“I believe that — if you are serious about a life of writing, or about any creative form of expression — you should take on this work like a holy calling. I became a writer the way other people become monks or nuns. I made a vow to writing, very young. I became Bride of Writing.”
~ Elizabeth Gilbert
When an idea comes to Elizabeth Gilbert, she actually says (to the idea), “Yes, I promise to work with you and I will work as hard as I can.”
Here’s what I say to my writing ideas: I will work on you as soon as the dishes are done. And after I drive my son to work. And then there’s a load of laundry calling to me. But you’re right after that, I promise.
When a client hires me, that work comes first always. So why isn’t my own writing as important to me?
Here’s more from Elizabeth, so this isn’t out of context but read Big Magic for a more earthbound approach. The message here, for me, is write and show, write and show.